Read up on the Recruitment Days, learn what all activities entail and check out the frequently asked questions.
General Information
The Recruitment Days Groningen is one of the biggest recruitment events in the Netherlands. This year, the 31st edition of the Recruitment Days will take place on Tuesday the 3rd and Wednesday the 4th of December. During this event, you will get the opportunity to meet various companies from numerous sectors. The Recruitment Days is the perfect way to find a job, an internship or just to orientate yourself on the job market. Therefore, this event fits both master’s and bachelor’s students. Registration opens on Monday the 21st of October.
While the preparations for the 2024’s event have started, we recap on the successful edition of 2023!
The participating companies of the Recruitment Days offer a wide range of activities.
This is a combination of a company presentation with a business lunch or individual talk. This means that you first get an introduction to a company through a company presentation, after which you will attend a CV-selected business lunch or individual talks. That way, you are better prepared for these activities.
A company presentation is the perfect way to get a first impression of a company. During 30 minutes, information regarding the career opportunities, company culture, the type of students the company is looking for and the job application procedure will be covered.
Company presentations are offered by all participating companies. A company presentation is a walk-in activity meaning that they do not require enrollment. You can just join the meeting and attend as many presentations as you want. This activity is perfect to get to know companies in a low-threshold way or prepare yourself for an activity later on that day.
An individual talk offers you the unique opportunity of having a 30-minute conversation with a recruiter of a specific company. The structure of individual talks varies and is either an orienting conversation or a job interview. Specific information will be provided per company.
We recommend reading the company information beforehand and to attend the company presentation. Attending the company presentation is mandatory before attending the individual talk.
An individual talk is a cv-selected activity meaning that you have to sign up and companies will select the students based on their CVs.
A business case is the perfect opportunity to get an idea of the type of problems you would solve as an employee of the company. During a business case, a company presents a challenging business problem. You will work with a team of fellow students and solve the case as best as you can. Furthermore, you can impress companies with your skill.
Recommendation: Please also attend the company presentation and read their company information beforehand, to be well prepared for the case. You can find the company information on this website, or in the program booklet.
A case is a cv-selected activity meaning that you have to sign up and companies will select the students based on their CVs.
A business lunch is the perfect way to talk with recruiters of a company in a more informal setting. During lunch, you will get a feel of the company’s culture and the opportunities they have in store for you.
Recommendation: Please prepare for the business lunch by reading the company information and attending the company presentation. Attending the company presentation is mandatory before attending the individual talk.
A business lunch is a cv-selected activity meaning that you have to sign up and companies will select the students based on their CVs.
During the business dinner, you will get to talk to recruiters in an informal setting. This is the perfect way to get to know the company, its culture, and its opportunities.
Recommendation: Please prepare for the business dinner by reading the company information and following the company presentation.
A business dinner is a cv-selected activity meaning that you have to sign up and companies will select the students based on their CVs.
During this activity, you get in touch with the company of your choice in an active and informal setting. The informal workshop offers the opportunity of learning more about the company in a low-threshold way. Examples include cocktail workshops and sushi workshops.
Recommendation: Please prepare for the informal workshop by reading company information and following the company presentation.
An informal workshop is a cv-selected activity meaning that you have to sign up and companies will select the students based on their CVs.
Every day from 17:00 till 19:00, a networking social is organized which will be joined by all of the participating companies. During this social, you are able to network with the recruiters of a company of your interest. With a cold beer, you can socialize with the recruiters in an informal setting!
You don’t have to sign up for this activity.
The Recruitment Days also offers some interesting and useful training. This is the perfect opportunity to develop your personal and application skills.
Training is an open sign-up activity meaning that you will not be selected by your cv, but still, you need to sign up because of limited space.
This year, the Recruitment Days will take place at Van der Valk Groningen-Hoogkerk!
It is well accessible by bike, public transportation, or car.
Register for an account and fill in your personal details.
Submit your anonymized CV.
Sign up for activities you would like to participate in.
Keep track of your own, personalized schedule (this will be made available at the beginning of December).
Frequently asked questions
Some frequently asked questions.
For all EBF or MARUG members, the participation fee is €12,50. For non-members, a fee of €15,- is charged. At the event, lunches and drinks will be offered for free to all participants.
Most activities at the Recruitment Days are based on CV selection. Therefore, you will need to enroll in these activities before the event. The CV-selected activities include the brand experience, cases, business dinners, and informal workshops. Enrollment is not necessary for company presentations and networking social. However, to participate in activities during the Recruitment Days, you must sign up at
The dress code for the Recruitment Days is business formal.
No, after registration you can enroll yourself for activities. Once you are selected you only need to be present at these specific activities.
No, this is not necessary. Most companies are looking for students that are studying at the Faculty of Economics and Business. However, some companies are also looking for students from other faculties.
Yes! Attending the Recruitment Days while in the first phase of your BSc is highly recommended. As a first- or second-year student, you will have the wonderful opportunity of orientating yourself. At the Recruitment Days, you can discover which industries suit you best and which companies you would potentially like to work for. We recommend visiting a broad range of presentations!
The enrollment deadline is the 13th of November 23:59. Pay attention that your enrollment is only finished when all the steps have been completed. Your CV should also be uploaded and accepted before this deadline. In addition, enrollment for activities also has this deadline!
We try our best to consider the preferences of the students. However, the companies themselves ultimately decide which students they want to invite. Therefore, there is a chance that you will not be selected for an activity you enrolled in. Therefore, if you are interested in more activities that take place at the same time, we urge you to enroll in both! Mind you; you can never be selected by a company that you did not enroll for.
We send your anonymized CV to the recruiters of the company you enrolled for. These recruiters will use your CV to rank you. Based on the ranking of the recruiters, it is decided if you will be invited for specific activities. Your personal information will never be provided to third parties except when you chose to upload your personalized CV as well. In that case, your personalized CV will be provided to the recruiters after the event.
This is a policy of the university in order to protect your privacy. However, this year it’s possible to upload both an anonymous and a personalized CV. When you choose to upload your personalized CV as well, recruiters will receive your CV after the event.
The Recruitment Days Groningen will take place at Van der Valk Groningen-Hoogkerk. All the activities will be held at this location. The different rooms of Van der Valk Groningen-Hoogkerk are named after cities with a university in the Netherlands!
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Yes, you can apply for these activities! All activities are open to everyone, however, companies are often looking for students that are further in their studies for activities like an individual talk or business lunch. The activities that are filtered by a certain study phase are just recommended activities to take part in.
Do you still have some questions? Please contact us or use the chat button in the right bottom corner!