If you have any questions you can contact us at info@recruitmentdays.nl

Recruitment Days Board

Recruitment Days

Every year in the beginning of December, the EBF/MARUG Recruitment Days are organised, which is the biggest recruitment event for students in the North of the Netherlands. As the Recruitment Days Board, you will make sure this two-day event takes place. You will work approximately a year to make sure over 450 students are able to explore their opportunities on the labour market at one of the 35 participating companies.

A wide variety of activities take place during the Recruitment Days. You should think of general company presentations accessible for everyone, but also CV-selected individual talks with companies. Interactive cases are offered to give students a comprehensive insight into the business life, and in the evenings business dinners and networking socials are organised. The event is visited by students who are searching for an internship or job, but also by younger students who have just started to orientate themselves.


The Recruitment Days Board consists of the following functions:

–  Chairman
–  Commercial Relations I / Vice-Chairman
–  Commercial Relations II / Day Organisation
–  Treasurer / Commercial Relations III
–  Secretary & Logistics / Commercial Relations IV
–  Public Relations & Promotion

Do you want more information about a specific function? Read the board brochure here!

Why a board year at the Recruitment Days?

Do you want more practical experience and want to do something besides your study? A board year is the perfect way to bring these two wishes together. Doing a board year at the Recruitment Days gives you the opportunity to get in contact with over 400 different companies throughout the world! This three-day event is the biggest one of its kind in the North of the Netherlands. Throughout the year you work closely together in a team with 5 other motivated students and be part of the two biggest study associations in Groningen. You will develop all kinds of professional skills such as communication, collaboration, acquisition, leadership and furthermore learn how to work under pressure. Next to this, you also expand your network substantially as you talk to a lot of different companies. Besides that, you will have a year full of amazing activities and parties with your board. 

Do you want to know what it is like as the Recruitment Days Board? Check this testimonial!

Application Procedure

Are you interested in becoming part of the Recruitment Days Board 2023? Wait no longer and apply now!
As the Recruitment Days are a collaboration between EBF and MARUG, you can apply in two ways:

Recruitment Days is an initiative of:
Logo of Marug
Logo of EBF